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Grandson Live at the Park Theatre

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July 27, 2023


The Park Theatre, Winnipeg, MB

I honestly think this is one of the best concerts I’ve been to. Grandson put on an amazing show and was so interactive with the crowd that there was even a point where he stopped the show and had the crowd interact with and get to know each other. During his song "Heather,” which is a rather heavy song, and I will admit I cried a little, he joined us in the crowd to sing. If you’ve ever heard the song, you’ll understand why he feels so grateful and connected to his friends and

With the way some artists and celebrities act these days, it’s refreshing to see someone who clearly cares about their fans and has such a passion for performing. During his last song, he was pulling people up on stage with him, and that is when I was able to get this picture.

I have a lot of respect for my grandson. It’s nice to see a public figure speak out against injustice and stand up for what they believe in, and Grandson has always been a political movement that I wholeheartedly believe in.
I only have a couple photos, as they were all shot on my iPhone because the venue only allowed point-and-shoot cameras, and the only one I have is probably older than me, and although I tried to use it, the photos just did not turn out, unfortunately. However, at the end of the show, he was pulling people onstage, and I was able to get close enough to get some good shots with my phone.

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